Confidentiality of adoption information


Information about the adoption of a child is confidential. This is necessary to protect the child, his/her biological parents and adoptive parents from the risk that someone might use this information for material gain or to cause moral harm to the child and the family.

Right to know your origins

In Slovenia, an adopted child and his/her biological parents do not have a right to access personal data of one another after adoption. Access to this information is possible only with the written consent of the person to whom it relates. 

A child who has reached the age of 15 may give consent if he/she is able to understand its meaning and consequences. Otherwise, it may be given by his/her legal guardian.

Such consent is obtained by the centre for social work on the initiative of the adoptee or the biological parents.

Access to important health information

The adopted child or his/her legal guardian may request from the centre for social work information on the relevant health condition of the biological parents. 

Centre for social work obtains data directly from health care institutions and provides it in an anonymised form.

What human rights violations may there be?

If anyone has unlawfully disseminated information about the adoption, this may violate the right to a private and family life for both the child and his/her parents.

Read more about how to complain in order to protect your rights.


Last updated 18/09/2021