
A child’s right to a private and a family life protects different aspects of the child’s life, such as the child’s name as a part of his/her identity and the relationship with his/her parents. There are also other human rights significant for a child’s development and everyday life such as the right to education and the right to religion.

A child’s rights and obligations always go hand in hand with the principle of a child’s best interests. This principle has a crucial role in determining all aspects of a child’s everyday life and needs. Therefore, it has to be carefully observed by all persons taking decisions that affect the child, including the parents and the State. 

The State has also introduced specific requirements for dealing with a child within different state procedures to take into account the vulnerabilities that may be related to a child’s age and to protect his/her best interests in each case.

About this section

In this section, you can read about the principle of a child’s best interests, the specific requirements for dealing with a child in state procedures, human rights which are very important for a child’s development, as well as the lawfulness of any interference with these rights. 

important Several subsections are meant mainly for children and adolescents and, therefore, the information has been provided from their perspective and in a simplified manner. 

Last updated 29/04/2021